How to grow your instagram following

Everybody loves their Instagram followers, it is important they love you back! There are many ways to increase your followers and make yourself Instafamous. Use many hashtags, Interact, and find out what your audience enjoys. Follow these tips and you could double/triple your amount of followers!




What is the deal with hashtags? Well, hashtags are a great way to communicate on your social media account. When a person uses a hashtag it turns into a searchable link, letting others track the topic and join the discussion. It is a great way to find people with common interests. You can promote your business, support causes, support movie characters, support actors, show some love to your favorite TV show, and more. When another Instagrammer discovers all of your interests, they are going to follow you and see your posts about the topic!

If you want to take your hashtag game to the next level, you could create your own unique hashtag. Be sure to include your hashtag on any promotional posts. For example, if you are getting married soon you could create a hashtag like #MrandMrsSmith, encourage others to use it, and invite your followers to the big day!




It is important that you interact and communicate on Instagram. Start liking several pictures from your target audience. If you like another Instgrammer’s pictures, they are more likely to start following you. Whenever you see a picture that you enjoy, comment on that picture. This brings attention to other Instagrammers and builds relationships with your followers. Always reply to your comments, even if it is just a simple “Thanks!” and answer any questions they have. Just be nice to others and keep them happy!



Stay Interesting

This is one of the most important steps in becoming Instafamous. Keep your feed interesting and post things that your audience likes. If you got 500 likes on your photo of your puppy-eyed poodle, but 10 likes on your picture of homemade blueberry muffins, you should probably stick with the poodle or other animals. Your followers may begin unfollowing if they are bored with what you post. Also, you shouldn’t post too many times a day. If you start flooding their feed, they may unfollow you. According to a recent poll by Later, the best times to post on Instagram are 2:00 a.m and 5:00 p.m. So, just stick to a schedule and stay interesting!



The More, the Better

The more free instagram followers you have, the better off you are. Nearly everyone wants to increase their amount of followers on Instagram. You could double your amount of followers by using the advice above. Whether it is to promote business, increase support for an important cause, or simply because you like socializing, you should use these tips to give yourself a better social media experience. Stay happy and popular all you Instagrammers!

#loveinstagram #lovemyfollowers #staypositive