If you are looking for new ways to raise money for an organization you work for, you may want to look into peer to peer fundraising.
Peer to peer fundraising has become extremely popular in recent years. Often because it takes a lot of the stress of fundraising away from the organization, and farms it out to other people instead. It can also be very successful if done correctly.
What is peer to peer fundraising? — This is a type of fundraising that has the supporters of an organization fundraise on the organization’s behalf.
This can be by making appointments to see potential major donors and asking for a donation. It can be organizing a special event, or taking part in a sponsored walk and asking friends and family to sponsor them. It can even be participants setting a goal for themselves of how much money they want to raise within a specific period of time, and then asking people they know to pledge towards that goal.
This type of fundraising can be done in many different ways. The most important thing is that it is supporter-led rather than organization-led.
What are the benefits of peer to peer fundraising? — It takes the strain off your organization’s resources, so that you can use them in other ways that may benefit the organization.
It brings new donors into the organization that may not have been familiar with it before. It also gets the message out about what you do to a potentially huge number of people, businesses and other organizations. From that can come not only donations but also new partnerships.
Can you use peer to peer fundraising for your organization? — If you have a large number of volunteers, or have very good connections within the community, you can easily set up peer to peer fundraising.
First set up a website with information potential fundraisers can use to get donations for your organization. Then make sure you train them with all the information they will need to represent your organization well.
They can then go out and start fundraising on your behalf.
P.S. Check out this incredible TED talk on fundraising: